CRM Sales Management

Around the customer lifecycle, from leads to transactions, flexibly customize sales processes, automate to improve sales efficiency, and facilitate customer conversion
CRM sales management system function
Resolving 4 major management challenges faced by businesses
Customer resource attrition
Lack of consistent management of customers, sales leaving with resources
Inefficient lead handling
Inefficient lead follow-up, missing the best time to convert customers
Sales process not standardised
Unclear business processes and confusing customer follow-up links
Difficult to analyse sales data
Large amounts of data statistics are time-consuming and key indicators are difficult to analyse
Flexible and customizable CRM sales management solution
Custom Grouping Module

Customers / business opportunities / order contracts etc.

Create group management on demand

Custom form fields

Customer Profile / Quotation / Service Work Order

Drag and drop to modify forms

Customised Sales Process

Lead pickup/quote approval/invoicing requests

Flexible configuration of process rules

Custom Application Permission Groups

Sales / Sales Manager / Custom Roles

Autonomous configuration of data permissions

Advantages of the solution
  • Customer Management
    Panoramic customer profile, a comprehensive collection of 360° customer information
    Automatic reminders for recording duplicate customers to prevent sales collisions
    Recycled Lead Database collection and recycling of customers to avoid wasting resources
    Lancode No Code CRM customer management function module
    Lead management
    Multi-channel lead acquisition and one-click tagging of lead sources
    Assigning lead tasks and using rules to improve follow-up efficiency
    Overdue leads are automatically returned to the Lead Source Database
    CRM lead function module
  • Business Opportunity Management
    Standardise the sales process and follow the nodes to advance the business opportunity
    Smart reminders for planning and keeping track of follow-ups
    Efficient process approval and fast completion of online quotations
    CRM Business Opportunity Management Module
    After-sales management
    Automated push messages when refunds are due and contracts end
    Smooth cross-departmental business collaboration and automated invoicing applications
    Closed-loop post-sales management with work order assignment and customer call-back support
    CRM after-sales order management function
  • Multi-dimensional sales analysis
    Sales funnel analysis, visualisation of customer conversions
    Automatic sales performance statistics, sales ranking at a glance
    Customised data charts for quick sales analysis reports
    CRM multi-dimensional sales analysis view
    CRM + Attendance Management for sales force field management
    CRM + performance management to help set and execute sales targets
    CRM + expense management for online reimbursement application and approval
    CRM personalized No Code customization